I remember 2000, the election between Bush and Gore - when it seemed a pointless choice between demopublicans and the republicrats, a choice between gun rights and abortion rights. I detested Reagan and Bush Sr. and their war on drugs. I hated Clinton because of his executive orders, handling of Waco and Ruby Ridge, and general lack of respect for the Constitution.
In 2000, I voted for Harry Browne.
In 2004, I voted for Badnarik.
Good libertarians, both of them. Neither of them stood a snowball's chance in hell to get elected, but I was registering my protest, standing by my principles...
And since 2000, I have seen my country and my constitution shredded in the name of a false patriotism, a "war on terror" that's being fought in the wrong place, and the rights we took for granted, e.g. Habeas Corpus, being stripped from us with barely a ripple of protest. The spinmeisters in Washington, the Cheney croneys, the Karl Roves, have told the big lies over and over, have promulgated a politics of fear to the point that my country, my people, accept these totalitarian changes as necessary evils. I'm afraid of what another 4 years will do to our children - to their understanding of what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights actually means. I fear that we've lost a generation of Americans - who already have no idea what it means to be *free*. Between the war on drugs and the war on terror, the idea of the administration having the right to do whatever it wants to, has become the status quo.
Yeah - Obama ain't my perfect candidate. He's not libertarian. He doesn't have a perfect voting record - if times were different, I might focus on his defects, his flaws, his lack of libertarian creds.
But I live in the world I helped create.
I was wrong.
When I didn't vote to defeat Bush - I was wrong.
And I'm sorry.
Right now, I'm terrified because Palin has gotten Republicans energized - that so many people heard her speak and were energized by her and let her lies stand. That people actually think she's *for* helping parents with disabilities, that she's against earmarks, that she cares about the environment. Some actually see her as a step for women's rights! This is a woman who cares nothing for the rule of law. And they're going to go out and *vote* for McCain and Palin. McCain is likely to die in office if he's elected, leaving Palin in charge, a thought which horrifies me.
So - I'm asking my libertarian friends, to please please, look around at our country right now. And think about the unintended consequences of letting Bush/McCain/Palin continue to ignore our constitution, continue to ignore the rule of law and treat our citizens as subjects. You hate the Nanny state, and the Police state. So do I. McPalin will turn this country into a totalitarian hell. I wish we had a free election this year, that we could vote our conscience and vote for libertarian candidates without having to worry about the consequences. But - we're not in a free state. This year, there *will* be consequences of not working against McPalin. Please - don't be so blinded by idealism and desire for perfect candidates that you don't do what you can to defeat McPalin.
This election is not about taxes, or the economy, or the war in Iraq, or even global warming.
This election is about the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
There is a clear choice between McPalin and Obama: Mccain voted against restoring Habeas Corpus. Obama voted for it.
Barack Obama actually cares about the Constitution and the Rule of Law. Barack Obama cares about the education of citizens, about the ability of people to make their own choices, and about the *rights* of citizens - Obama believes in the Bill of Rights. Is he a perfect libertarian - of course not. I'm sorry that Bob Barr or Ron Paul won't get elected. Obama has a chance to get elected and start us back in the right direction!
I believe that this year, the stakes are too high, the times are too perilous to vote any other way. I'm not sure our country can survive another 4 years like the last 8.
Together, my libertarian friends, we can fight for our country, work to get our country moving back in the right direction, so that *next* time, we'll have the choice of voting for true libertarian candidates, and we'll still *have* the freedom to speak out for our ideals. If we don't defeat McPalin, I'm not entirely certain that next time, we'll have those options.
Join with me in defeating McPalin. Join with me in supporting, this once, a major party candidate. Help elect a candidate who cares about the Constitution and the Rule of Law: Barack Obama.
A libertarian for Obama.
The leadership of the Libertarian Party of Alaska endorsed Palin for Governor in 2006. She spoke to two LP meetings that year at their invite. Even her Libertarian opponent in the race Billy Toien endorsed her the last 3 days, telling his supporters to "vote for Sarah."
I wonder if the Libertarian Party of Illinois has ever supported Obama? Somehow, I think not.
Libertarians for Obama is like saying Libertarians for Fascism. Obama is about as far away on the political spectrum as you could possibly get from libertarianism.
The guy supports Islamo-Fascism. He opposes free market economics. And on civil liberties, he's the ultimate Safety Nazi wanting to tell us what we can eat, when we can smoke, taking away our guns, regulating our free speech through political correctness and forcing us to wear a seat belt in our cars.
Anyone who claims to be both a "libertarian" and Obama supporter is an outright liar. They have nothing to do with the libertarian movement. In fact, they are enemies of liberty.
There's a reason I'm not a big_L Libertarian - given their support for Bob Barr, I'm glad I'm not.
You go ahead and support McPalin (speaking of fascism...) and see how much "liberty" you end up with.
You admit you're not a Libertarian. So why are you preaching to us Real Libertarians who we should support for President?
Kind of curious for a Liberal, huh?
Funny how you Liberals throw this "Libertairans should support Democrats" meme every election cycle a couple months before the election.
Kos and HuffPo did exactly the same thing in 2006.
Do you honestly think we Libertarians are that stupid?
As for Bob Barr, tell me please where he is "not a Libertarian."
Seat Belt Laws? He'd repeal them.
Gun Rights? He supports them.
55 mph speed limit? He's fiercely opposed.
Drinking Age? He'd lower it to 18.
Affirmative Action? He'd get rid of it.
Tax cuts? He supports getting rid of the IRS.
Socialized Health Care? He'd oppose it with all his might.
Global Warming? He calls it what it is, a complete hoax.
Now - if I were writing a post to my *conservative* friends - I would be encouraging them to vote for Bob Barr - the more conservatives who vote for Barr, the fewer that vote for McPalin. (I don't happen to trust Barr's "conversion" to libertarianism, but that's another issue.) But I wasn't addressing them.
Some of my libertarian friends are big-L Libertarians and some are small-l libertarians. Among them, some are somewhat conversative, others somewhat liberal. As you may know, the conservative/liberal axis is a different axis than libertarian/totalitarian axis.
As for me, I am a small-l libertarian and I am pro-freedom: abortion, guns, religion, drugs, sexuality, etc. I am a strong supporter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Thank you for your comments, which allowed me to clarify my position.
And, Eric, please, you go vote for Bob Barr. Thanks.
Now - if I were writing a post to my *conservative* friends - I would be encouraging them to vote for Bob Barr - the more conservatives who vote for Barr, the fewer that vote for McPalin. (I don't happen to trust Barr's "conversion" to libertarianism, but that's another issue.) But I wasn't addressing them.
Some of my libertarian friends are big-L Libertarians and some are small-l libertarians. Among them, some are somewhat conversative, others somewhat liberal. As you may know, the conservative/liberal axis is a different axis than libertarian/totalitarian axis.
As for me, I am a small-l libertarian and I am pro-freedom: abortion, guns, religion, drugs, sexuality, etc. I am a strong supporter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Thank you for your comments, which allowed me to clarify my position.
And, eric, please, you go vote for Bob Barr. Thanks.
Actually, I was going to vote Barr/Root. But now that McCain has added a libertarian Republican Sarah Palin to the ticket, he's getting my vote.
Wow -
I had no idea that supporting earmarks, government outlawing of abortion even in cases of rape and incest, and obstruction of justice, might be acceptable to a "libertarian".
The fact that you list your occupation as: # Occupation: Libertarian Republican Political Consultant apparently must mean you're really a Republican conservative who uses the word "Libertarian" to cover your tracks - gee, kinda like Sarah Palin and her vaunted "opposition" to the Bridge to Nowhere.
It's people like you who give real libertarians a bad name.
Hey Ms. Ravensrcopt, I've been a member of the Libertarian Party for the past 25 years, even served a stint on the Libertarian National Committee, as a Libertarian candidate for State House, and have just completed 7 petition drives in 7 states to get the Libertarian ticket on the ballot.
What's your Libertarian credentials?
Probably wouldn't know a clipboard with LP ballot access petitions if it hit you in the ass.
Then why are you wasting your time? And you never answered the question - since when is it libertarian (big-L or small-l) to support someone who believes in earmarks, government intervention in personal decisions, and doesn't follow the rule of law?
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